GROUP Classes


Wednesdays, 7 - 8 pm (Starts August 28, 2024)
$85 / 7-Week Series

FACTORY STREET STUDIO, 37 Ohio Avenue, Athens, OH

Learn the foundations of Salsa and Latin-jazz dance while exploring and expanding your own body movement. Collect fun new dance steps, move in new exciting ways, and take home video recaps of simple choreographies to practice.

As our focus is on body movement, we dance solo without partners. All abilities, bodies, and genders are welcome.

Absolute beginners are especially encouraged! We create a safe and fun space. Instruction is clear, questions are answered: no dancer is left behind.


Tuesdays, 7 - 8 pm (Starts August 27, 2024)
$85 / 7-Week Series

FACTORY STREET STUDIO, 37 Ohio Avenue, Athens, OH

In our beginner Swing Dance class series, have fun learning the basics of partnered East Coast Swing, alongside vintage jazz / tap dances like the Shim Sham. Take home video recaps of simple choreographies to practice.

You’ll learn swing steps and technique as you refine your partner-dance connection with others; you can choose to lead, follow, or both. We’ll also explore the European and African roots of swing dancing, and how various swing dances evolved in the 20th century.

No need to bring a partner, although you’re welcome to. Those who arrive solo will rotate frequently with others; those arriving as a couple can choose to practice outside of the rotation, or may join the rotation and dance with others.

2-Week Series

Two Sundays, 3 - 5 pm (October 6 & 13, 2024)
$32 / 2-Week Series

VILLAGE PRODUCTIONS, 16 State Street, Amesville, OH

In our beginner Swing Dance class series, have fun learning the basics of partnered East Coast Swing. Generous two-hour class sessions ensure that all your questions are answered, step-by-step.

You’ll learn swing steps and technique as you refine your partner-dance connection with others; you can choose to lead, follow, or both. Take home video recaps of simple choreographies to practice.

No need to bring a partner, although you’re welcome to. Those who arrive solo will rotate frequently with others; those arriving as a couple can choose to practice outside of the rotation, or may join the rotation and dance with others.

Upon completing this intro series, you’ll be ready to jump into Intermediate Swing: our weekly drop-in swing class on Mondays at 5:30 pm at Village Productions. Join our blossoming swing dance community!

Salsa Dance: ALL-LEVELS FLOW (Beg - Adv)

Mondays, 7:30 - 8:30 pm (Ongoing)
$12 / Drop-In Class

FACTORY STREET STUDIO, 37 Ohio Avenue, Athens, OH

Drop in any Monday to groove to classic Mambo tunes as you develop a solid dance foundation. Learn fun salsa steps, get exercise, refine your body awareness and movement habits, and take home video recaps of simple choreographies to practice.

As our focus is on body movement, we dance solo without partners. While this is best described as an intermediate-level class, absolute beginners join too, and are encouraged to do so! Anytime a new person joins, we pause to review the fundamentals from the ground up. No dancer is left behind!

All abilities, bodies, and genders are welcome. Join our thriving dance community, and have fun learning and practicing with a consistent group of awesome people –– the energy in the room is life-giving!


Mondays, 5:30 - 6:30 pm (Ongoing)
$8 / Drop-In Class

VILLAGE PRODUCTIONS, 16 State Street, Amesville, OH

Drop in any Monday to elevate your swing dance technique and learn new moves in East Coast Swing, Lindy Hop, Charleston, Balboa, the Shim Sham, and more. Join our blossoming swing dance community! We have a lot of fun together.

Build upon your swing dance foundation as you refine your partner-dance connection with others; you can choose to lead, follow, or both. We’ll also deepen our understanding of the European and African roots of swing dancing –– and begin to introduce contemporary-fusion elements.

No need to bring a partner, although you’re welcome to. Those who arrive solo will rotate frequently with others; those arriving as a couple can choose to practice outside of the rotation, or may join the rotation and dance with others.

Keep it casual or train to perform:
Set your own goals

Dance for fun, exercise, or community — or learn choreography and train to perform locally or internationally.

Watch Ashley in a performance of “Tribute” by pioneering choreographer Karel Flores:

Free Class

Try any drop-in group class for free: all abilities, bodies, and genders are welcome.

Absolute beginners are especially encouraged and celebrated.